Tuesday, March 1, 2011

**~As the Reminder to Myself~~~*

God states in the Quran about the events of the Day of Judgment:

 Then when the Horn is blown with one blast, and the earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled with one blow [i.e. stroke] - Then on that Day, the Occurrence [i.e. Resurrection] will occur, And the heaven will split [open], for that Day it is infirm (i.e. weak, enfeebled and unstable). And the angels are at its edges. And there will bear the Throne of your Lord above them, that Day, eight [of them]. That Day, you will be exhibited [for judgment]; not hidden among you is anything concealed (i.e. any person or any secret you might attempt to conceal). So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say, “Here, read my record! Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account.” So he will be in a pleasant life - In an elevated Garden, Its [fruit] to be picked hanging near. [They will be told], “Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth (i.e. literally, advanced in anticipation of reward in the Hereafter) in the days past.” But as for he who is given his record in his left hand, he will say, “Oh, I wish I had not been given my record, and had not known what is my account. I wish it [i.e. my death] had been the decisive one (i.e. ending life rather than being the gateway to eternal life). My wealth has not availed me. Gone from me is my authority.” [God will say], “Seize him and shackle him. Then into Hellfire drive him. Then into a chain whose length is seventy cubits insert him.” Indeed, he did not used to believe in God, the Most Great.  (Quran, 69:13-33)
The Prophet Muhammad  taught that three things continue to benefit a [believing] person even after death - charity which he had given (which continues to benefit others), beneficial knowledge which he had left behind (i.e. authored or taught), and supplication on his behalf by a righteous child (Narrated by Saheeh Muslim).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

`~Assigment 2~`

a~ What is your blog name and address?
My blog name is Butterfly Girlzs and my address is http://butterflygilzs.blogspot.com

b~ What is its primary purpose?
To learn how to create my own blog besides to complete the assignment that is already prepared in the blog.Then,I want to share my story inside the blog with the other blogger and be connected with a new friends inside the blog .

Monday, February 21, 2011

`~Assignment 1~`

a) What did you learn that you did not know?
I have learn how to create a creatives blog, share my story inside the blog with the other follower and also know how to get the friends either be their follower at their blog or add them as a follower at my blog.In term of the creativity, I have learn about how to make up or make my blog be interesting by using the temple,and the others editing types again.

b) What type of blog do you find most compelling -- a group or an individual blog?
By my opinion, I am more preferred to an individual blog which is the type of blog that is most compelling.

c) Why?
This is because the blog normally is done by individually.Maybe, here it will be easy to story or share the personal or individual story which are created by own idea and individual skill.Even though, maybe in the other view there will be more difficult in carrying out the creative ideas and the skill in settling the problem about the blog not enough better compared by a group blog which are more success due to the cooperation between the members.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Butterfly Gilzs: My Personal Story..;)

                                                        ~All about me~*=^~
           Assalamualaikum .The given name is Siti Norfadila BT Mohd Taib.I is living in Bera, Pahang. My date of birthday is on 20/01/1991 and birth at Klinik Simpang Pelangai, Bentong, Pahang. Means now, I am 20 years old.I have been old yet. I am still study at UITM Shah Alam, Selangor in the field of sciences, Diploma Part 4 in course of Textile Technology. I am coming from a big number of families. I have eight siblings in my family .They are six boys and two sisters only .I am the third of them .All of my sibling are still study except the two of my young brother .My parent are not the richer or come from the rich family but in medium stage .My father work as a palm oil pioneer while my mother is full time housewife .Because I am from a big and not from a rich family , I am always motivate myself that I need to study hard and smart to change the fate of my family .Insha’Allah.
           Here, I also excited to share about my favourite activity and usual habit. I have my own special. I am very likely on the art design whether in term of painting or carving. For me, refinements of the art make me be calm and relax for a while. Sometime, I like to draw something that has been in my mind; normally I will draw about my future dream and about the view of the green environment. But sometime, I also like dreaming that one day, I have a chance to study to overseas and for my dreaming target is Korea because there are a lot of a romantic scenes like in Korean movies .Even that it just my dreaming, but sometime I am hopefully and pray to Allah SWT that one day i will be there as a place for holiday or to further study. Honestly, I like dream something that are fantastic can happen on my future .Insha’Allah .I always hold with the word of “dream, do and pray” as my life’s principle and hopefully it will be the reality.Amin...;)