Monday, February 21, 2011

`~Assignment 1~`

a) What did you learn that you did not know?
I have learn how to create a creatives blog, share my story inside the blog with the other follower and also know how to get the friends either be their follower at their blog or add them as a follower at my blog.In term of the creativity, I have learn about how to make up or make my blog be interesting by using the temple,and the others editing types again.

b) What type of blog do you find most compelling -- a group or an individual blog?
By my opinion, I am more preferred to an individual blog which is the type of blog that is most compelling.

c) Why?
This is because the blog normally is done by individually.Maybe, here it will be easy to story or share the personal or individual story which are created by own idea and individual skill.Even though, maybe in the other view there will be more difficult in carrying out the creative ideas and the skill in settling the problem about the blog not enough better compared by a group blog which are more success due to the cooperation between the members.

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